Friday, March 30, 2007
Friday Feast
Appetizer: What are you proud of?
I'm proud of my son. I love to watch him grow and learn every day of his life. Even though there are times/moments where I may get upset or angry he still makes me very proud to call him my son. I'm also very proud of my marriage. We will be married 16 years this August and I'm looking forward to many more years.
Soup: What is the best thing you’ve ever won as a prize.
I really can't think of anything at this moment.
Salad: Name something you do that is a waste of time.
As much as I like to surf the internet, read my emails and blog I would probably say that some of it (and I do say some) is a waste of time.
Main Course: In what year of your life did you change the most?
That would be 2000. That's the year that we adopted our son. That's when our lives changed dramatically for the better. Never thought that another life would change so much.
Dessert: Where is a place you consider to be very tranquil?
Probably anywhere I can find nature. Going outside for me is very tranquil. Especially if I can be all by myself. Which isn't very often so I do cherish those moments.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sooooooo close...
So who else is going to sign up to do 100 Miles by July 1st? I know I am!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sam and Gilligan
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sunday Skies
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?
Friday, March 23, 2007
iRack - check out this video
Thank You Mom
The plant I have here at my house was planted by the owner of the house when the lived here back in the late 80's early 90's. Here is another picture of my plant with a bumblebee in it. Let me tell you when I went out there to take those pictures it was very loud with all the bees around me.
Thanks for any help that you can lend to me on identifying this one. There are some seed pods hanging off of it and the ones that I have been able to reach and look at are fuzzy with flat round seeds inside of them. Hope that you all had a wonderful week!
Happy Feasting!
Friday's Feast is served!
Appetizer: Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?
I really like Tom Brokaw. He had always been the face of news for me. He always told the story so that everyone could understand it and in a way that touched your heart. I would still like to read his books some day. For a good video on his career go to here and then scroll down just a bit and on the right hand side you will see a free nine minute video highlighting his career.
Soup: Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.
Pizza. Chicken. Broccoli
Salad: If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?
Hope. Because I think that everyone needs to have a little bit of hope in their lives.
Main Course: What will most likely be the next book you read?
Eragon. I got it for Christmas and it is going on my next trip with me.
Dessert: What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
Probably their smile and or face.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Updated Clock...Soccer...Walking
Sam has already had his first practice and will continue to have 3 practices a week! He is used to only having 1 practice a week so this will be a big change for him. His first game will be on April 14. I will know more particulars after this Tuesday's practice. So far we really like his coach. We didn't know what we were going to get in a coach since we just moved here and have only had experience with the coaches in Springfield, MO. Sam will actually get to learn A LOT of skills this year and for that I am happy.
Well as of this morning I only have 15 1/2 miles to go toward the 100 miles before April 1st! I will actually finish above 100 miles! I am currently walking 3 1/2 miles in a little less than an hour. I would love to walk at least 4 miles in that amount of time before April 1st but we'll just have to see about that. I never thought I would be able to get this far with it but now I know that I will. Now to figure out what my next goal will be. Any suggestions???
Need Help
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Hat!
Now, I'm off to wait for the bus to drop him back off home. Chow!
Sam's Birthday Party
Friday's Feast is Served!
Seeing Sam put on his St. Patty's Day hat this morning and actually really liking it! The other would be that Sam came home and announced that he had a great day after having a couple of weeks worth of hard ones. Nothing could have beat the smile on his face or mine.
Soup: Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________?
This is a very dangerous question to ask me because I could really go off on this one. But the first one that popped into my mind was those that don't know how to drive in a parking lot. You know the ones that can't follow the arrows or those that can't go to the end of the row but instead cut through all the parking spaces to cut you off to get to that spot you were heading to because you were following the arrows???? Okay, I'm done.
Salad: When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
Well if I knew the answer to this question I wouldn't have had so much trouble earlier this week trying to go back to sleep. I finally slept the whole night through last night! Will wonders never cease.
Main Course: What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?
Why can't we in general just take time to smell the roses? I have been wondering this lately when I go for my walks. When I see others in the neighborhood taking their walks their heads are usually down or they have such a serious look to their faces. I lately have been holding my head up, looking around and the beautiful area that I live in and am very thankful for life. Sometimes we need to take that time to ourselves and smell the roses.
Dessert: What is your favorite pasta dish?
This one isn't easy as I LOVE pasta dishes! But I would say that I prefer the red sauces over the white ones. My first thought was my dad's spaghetti! I love it and am hoping to have some while we are there over Sam's Spring Break. Hint, Hint, Hint! LOVE YOU DAD!
Happy Feasting!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sam's St. Patty's Day Hat
I'll post more tomorrow...have a good night! Oh, and of course I'll take a picture of him wearing it before he goes to school. Because you never know how it will look after he gets home!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The first session/chapter is Getting to Know God. The first verse that we looked at was Deuteronomy 6:5-9. Here it is if you would like to read it:
5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
WOW! When you look at this you really realize how much you are the teacher for your children to know God! Yes, I did know that but here it is in black and white.
We then were asked: What do you think are the primary things about God that children need to understand? There were some wonderful answers from everyone there from wanting our children to know that God will always love you no matter what to wanting them to know that he is Omnipresent and Omnipotent when they are older.
Then on the way home while reflecting on the whole class the song Made To Love by Toby Mac came on to the radio. What timing! The chorus is:
That I was made to love You
I was made to find You
I was made just for You
Made to adore You
I was made to love and be loved by You
You were here before me
You were waiting on me
And You said You’d keep me never would You leave me
I was made to love
And be loved by You
This is really what God wants! Luckily this is one of Sam's favorite songs and will sing it just about anywhere. Here is a short video of Toby Mac explaining this song:
If you would like to hear the whole song here is a video that someone put together using random pictures. The words to the song are on there but some of them are hard to read. But you will get the idea.
And to be able to teach this to our awesome is that! We go to church tonight and I am so grateful that Sam loves to go. He loves the children's program that they have there. My prayer is that all children were just as excited about church and learning about God as my own son is.
Next week I'm hoping to be able to write some more but this time I'll do it first instead of it fading from my mind. I'm also mainly writing this down here so that it will help me remember what I was feeling and or thinking as I learn how to help my child know God better.
What Kind of Knitter Are You?
What Kind of Knitter Are You?
You appear to be a Knitting Adventurer. You are through those knitting growing pains and feeling more adventurous. You can follow a standard pattern if it's not too complicated and know where to go to get help. Maybe you've started to experiment with different fibers and you might be eyeing a book with a cool technique you've never tried. Perhaps you prefer to stick to other people's patterns but you are trying to challenge yourself more. Regardless of your preference, you are continually trying to grow as a knitter, and as well you should since your non-knitting friends are probably dropping some serious hints, these days.
Take this quiz!
Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
No Sleep For Me
Hope that everyone else had a great night's sleep!
Monday, March 12, 2007
I have found something that I want to make (it's super easy) for Sam and I think the he will just LOVE it! Here is a link to the picture.
I'm currently knitting a hat for Sam that he will wear to school on Friday. They will have a hat contest for their St. Pat's Day party. I am making a Bowl of Spaghetti Hat in a bright lime color. Here is a picture of the hat that is from DIYs show Knitty Gritty.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Friday Feast
Okay...I know that it's almost 11:00 on a Friday night but I still have time to post what I am hoping to do every Friday. It is called Friday Feast. These questions are emailed to me every Thursday evening and are meant to be thought-provoking and mind-stimulating. We'll see if I pass the test! hehe
So, here is my first go around with the Friday Feast.
Appetizer: What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be different?
My usual bedtime is around 10:00. I'm used to it but I really am more of a night owl. I have to get up early in the morning to get my son ready for school so I don't really have a choice in the matter right now.
Soup: When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?
I think that I give more to my friends but receive more from my family.
Salad: Describe a memorable meal you've had.
I guess for me that would have to be any family gathering around a holiday. Those are some of the best memories for me.
Main Course: Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.
I read so much fiction that I can't seem to think of just one that has change the way that I think about something.
Dessert: What is your favorite type of fruit juice?
That would have to be a good Concord Grape Juice or a Tomato Juice with a wedge of lime in it. Learned about that on an airplane ride a long time ago. Try just might like it!
Well that's it for the Friday Feast. Andy and I spent most of the day cleaning the house and game room out back. Sam has his birthday party with his friends tomorrow afternoon. So of course you will probably all see picture posted here within the next few days from his party and of course how it went.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Butterfly House
Sam's Birthday
Cupcakes were delivered at school for Sam to share with his friends/classmates.
Once home we couldn't wait to play with all the new toys. But of course we had to do our homework first which proved to be pretty hard for a boy with new toys waiting in the wings to be played with. We got through the homework and got to play with all the new toys.
In the meantime I began to cook more cupcakes to go to his Tiger Cubs meeting that evening. Sam wanted pizza for dinner so that helped me out a lot. All I had to do was pop those in the oven once the cupcakes were done. Easier clean-up!
Andy's appt. had to cancel so Andy was able to go to the Tiger Cubs meeting with us. We all had fun.
Back home after the meeting we worked on cleaning up Sam's room a bit more and rearranged a bookshelf.
I'm cleaning house today trying to get ready for his birthday party on Saturday.
Enjoy the photos below!
Sam's Tiger Cub Meeting
Author's note on this slide show: Please hit pause and then use the arrow keys to walk you through the slide show as there are also videos for you to watch. Sorry for the low quality on the videos.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
What Happened The Year You Were Born?
In 1967 (the year you were born) |
Lyndon B. Johnson is president of the US President Johnson and Soviet premiere Aleksei Kosygin agree not to let any crisis push them into wore Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first black Supreme Court justice The first home microwave is released by Amana Dave Matthews, Kurt Cobain, Liz Phair, Vin Diesel, Julia Roberts, and Anna Nicole Smith are born St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl I Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup Disney's The Jungle Book and The Graduate are the top grossing films One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is published Paul McCartney announces that all four members of the Beatles have "dropped acid" For the first time, Jimi Hendrix sets his guitar on fire during a concert in London Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is released The first issue of Rolling Stone magazine is published The FCC orders that cigarette ads on television, radio and in print must include a warning about the health risks of smoking |
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Finished another scarf
Yes, I am still stitching (cross stitching) but I can't show you any pictures on here as it is a model for a designer. I'll be able to post the picture of it once it is released publicly.
Well March has definitely started out like a lion! Had thunderstorms here first thing this morning along with a tornado watch. Now we are currently under a lake wind advisory. I'm hoping that March will go out like a lamb.