Friday, December 31, 2010

100 Joys ~ 36 through 43

It's New Years Eve and I'm still plugging my way through the 100 Joys.  Here are #36 ~ #43.

#36...Here is the sunrise that I saw one morning as I arrived to work.  Just moments after I took this photo the sun had risen above the clouds and it was dreary and gray.  I wondered how many people had missed this spectacular site. Sam enjoying a small plastic recorder.  He received it after his last piano lesson of this year.  Purchased it with his own piano bucks he had earned over the past few months along with quite a few other little toys...but this had to be the one that he had to play with the whole ride home. what I see on my living room floor every day.  I love watching my son build.  He has such the imagination that he really can create anything out of Legos.

#39...see?  He made this plane out of the lego pieces you see above.  No kit...just put it together.

#40...seeing the joy on my sons face as he opens up the blanket/quilt that I made for him.  It has stayed by his side since he has opened it.  

#41...Sam loving the games that a dear friend of ours gave to him...Thanks Wendy and family!!!

#42...the sunrise the morning after Christmas just outside the DFW area.  Saw it on our way to Missouri to visit with family. finally seeing a cold temperature!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

100 Joys ~ 29 through 35

I'm really enjoying going through all the pictures that I have taken throughout this holiday season and reminiscing. What will be really nice is to look back on this time in a year or so and remember all the joys. Here are some more!

#29...when good friends get together to enjoy a girls night. We talked and talked and talked some more and then watched "Elf". It was a great evening and I love that we were able to get everyone to take this group photo.

# 30...watching my husband give a dear friend a goofy Christmas gift.  A pooping reindeer.  We ended up staying over at their house and loved watching all of us have a good time.  Her son and Sam talked baseball cards and all the adults had fun just chatting away.

#31...the quilt/blanket that I made for Sam for it is almost done.  Ready to put the front and back together. 

#32...having great neighbors.  Our doorbell rang the week of Christmas and one of our neighbors was standing there with a Butterball turkey!  It was already thawed so we cooked it and shared it with some friends on Christmas Day.  YUM!

#33...Sam putting out the cookies and milk for Santa. 

#34...Sam's face as he dumps his stocking.

#35...COOKIES!  Especially made from scratch Chocolate Chip Peppermint cookies.
What are some of your joys?  I'd love to hear them.  Or better yet...what cookies do you put out for Santa???

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

100 Joys ~ 24 through 28

Now that Christmas is over and I have time again to sit back down to the computer I'm continuing on with my 100 Joys.  I've had a lot of them and I hope that I can remember them all.

#24 is seeing Sam with one of his new friends.

#25 is seeing Sam ask to help a friend of ours cook some spaghetti noodles. I had to get a picture of it because he rarely asks to help out in the kitchen at home. But he offered to help without being told to do so.

#26 is Christmas Caroling.  What fun we had. And just so you was not snowing...but I made it look like it was because it sure would have been nice to have some.

#27 is finding a new friend.

#28 is having warm days in the 80's to play baseball in the yard.  Just another reminder that we live in TX and you never know what the temperature will be the week before Christmas.

What other joys have you found this past few days?  I'll share more back to editing my photos.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

100 Joys #'s 18 - 23

#18  What is better than a tall cup of coffee and knitting?!?

#19  My son doing his schoolwork with his dog on his lap is a joy that I like to see.  He's worked very hard this school year and is a straight A student!  That is a joy in more than one way.  Here he is taking a break.

#20 One of my favorite books is currently online being read by it's author.  It's The Polar Express.  Recently Barnes and Noble had the author, Chris Van Allsburg, reading it online...but for the life of me I can't find the link.  I was going to share it with you but until I find it to do so I leave you with a screen shot.  UPDATE:  I found the link!!!  Click HERE

#21  Baking is a big joy for me during the holidays.  In fact I plan on doing more tomorrow...baring any unforeseen things that need to be done instead.

#22  One of my dear friends teaches Sam piano lessons in exchange for sewing lessons from me to her.  This truly is a joy.  I've been reminded how much I like to teach and how much I love to sew.  In fact in a few more minutes I'm going to get back to sewing a Christmas present for Sam which I'll share with you all later.  For now here are her hands hard at work learning how to sew a ribbon onto the front of a pillow that she is lovingly making for her niece.

#23 Home baked bread!  What more can I say.

Would you like to join in?  Click on the button at the top.  I'd love to hear your joys...what made you joyful today?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

100 Joys

Where have my days gone?  I've had so many joys that I have completely forgotten to share them with all of you.  I've now realized that I will not get all 100 joys completed by Christmas...but I also have remembered that there are 12 days of Christmas and I intend to do just that.  Spread out these 100 Joys into the 12 days of Christmas! 

Now on to some more joys!

#13 A few Fridays ago we went to see The Trains at Northpark Mall.  What fun we had!  What I love most is that the proceeds go to The Ronald McDonald House.  Now that is a big joy!

#14 I LOVE snow and since we don't get it much around here I love seeing giant snowflakes hanging from the ceiling.

#15 Seeing the look of excitement on their faces as they watch the trains go by.

#16 Sam has one of the biggest hearts!  Every time we pass a Salvation Army bucket he wants to put some money in.  Now that makes a moms heart grow pretty darn big!

#17 What's better on a colder morning than a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate in your new favorite cup?  And it's a big one at that.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

100 Joys

Continuing on my journey to find 100 Joys this Christmas season....

#8 This little Santa sits on top of my computer tower and I enjoy bringing him out every year.  A parent of one of my preschoolers (back when I taught) gave them out as gifts to her kids teachers.  The fun part is that the back side of him and the part that makes him stand up is filled with peppermints (yes, I do replenish them every year).  The joy...IT'S SANTA!

#9 Motherhood! This one really is a joy no matter what the title of this book says.  It sits on my bakers stand in my kitchen and was given to me by my mom.  It's so true and I wouldn't change it for the world!

#10 This joy is all about perspective.  When was the last time you laid underneath your Christmas Tree?  I remember doing it as a child and now I see Sam doing it all the time.  So, I do it with him.  This picture however is taken of the Christmas tree that I have on my kitchen counter looking up from underneath. 

#11 This joy is all about appreciating art.  I love art...all forms of art including abstract art, even if I don't get it and sometimes think it's very weird.  But you have to appreciate it and when I do see a piece of art it gives me joy.  We saw this piece at the mall when we went to visit the trains.

#12 Mini Christmas Trees and Poinsettia plants will always bring a smile to my face and bring in that joy!

What are the joys that you have of this season?  Share with us!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wordless and Wordful Wednesday

I don't normally share my Facebook updates but here is mine from this morning:
Dear Santa (or anyone reading this), I'd love to have a pair of warm wooly mittens for Christmas. My hands freeze in the mornings no matter how many pairs of gloves I wear. :(  
Hence my photo....

If you get a moment I'd love for you to check out my 100 Joys post and if you feel so inclined check it out (go on...I'll wait...just remember to come back here) and join in!  

If you would like to see more Wordless photos head on over to Wordless Wednesday, 5 Minutes for Mom, Live and Love...Out Loud, A Beautiful Mess and J. Leigh Designz. Now if you're like me and sometimes you can't stay wordless head on over to see some Wordful Wednesday photos at Parenting by Dummies.  Don't forget to sign the Linky below.

100 Joys's been a week and I've found many joys in this season since I've started looking.  Sad thing is when I sit down to write this post I'm afraid that I've forgotten some of them.  So I think I'll do this update more than just weekly so that I can remember all of these joys.  Now on to the few that I have for you today.

#4 This past Friday morning we took Sam to see the trains at Northpark Mall and had a great time!  I had Andy snap a shot of the two of us as we were leaving (which of course Sam wanted nothing to do with) but we got a really good picture!

#5 Is a joy of a memory.  Once Christmas when we were living in Nashville I made some ornaments with Andy to give away as gifts.  We had some left and I have them displayed in a wire basket and when I put them out each Christmas I remember how much fun we had together making them.

#6 Is our snowmen (there are two of them) card holder.  I love getting (and giving) Christmas cards so when I go to hang them I get to think of all of my friends and family.

#7 Is ornaments on our Christmas tree.  It's not a themed tree but a tree of ornaments that were given to us by our parents and friends since we were very young to now.  Sam also has a lot of ornaments as he gets one, if not more, every year.  Here is just one of those ornaments.

What are the joys that you have of this season?  Share with us!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Money Mondays ~ Week 10

Please enjoy and support these wonderful stores that are linking up below! They are all wonderful!

It's Monday and time to link-up and join in on the Blog Hop for Money Mondays. To read how Money Mondays got started check out my Money Mondays Page.

So here we go! Link Up your Etsy Stores, Websites, Photography Sites, ect. I'm enjoying hosting this blog hop every week and visiting all of yours as well. Grab the button above and place it on your site. Please remember to keep it family friendly. Explicit Sites will be removed.  Remember to grab the Blog Hop Code below to share with others!  Let's all have some fun, promote our own businesses and check out every one else!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wordless and Wordful Wednesday ~ Santa Mug

If you would like to see more Wordless photos head on over to Wordless Wednesday, 5 Minutes for Mom, Live and Love...Out Loud, A Beautiful Mess and J. Leigh Designz. Now if you're like me and sometimes you can't stay wordless head on over to see some Wordful Wednesday photos at Parenting by Dummies.  Don't forget to sign the Linky below.


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