Joy # 18 - #26
Found my 18th Joy this past Wednesday. Andy, Sam and I ran out to grab a quick bite to eat this past Wednesday before bell and choir practice. We were all running our separate ways and I hadn't gotten dinner ready at home and time was running out. We quickly ran out of the house and went to Zaxby's. We ordered our dinners and when it was time to pay Andy reached for his wallet and realized that in his rush to change clothes that he had left his wallet on his night stand. I had a bag full of things to take to church and I had grabbed it and not my purse. We told the lady that Andy would run home and grab his wallet and would be right back. She said that this was an early Christmas present and bought our dinner. Granted she was the Assistant Manager but it was something that she didn't need to do. We thanked her and enjoyed one of the best dinners. There really are nice people out there.
Today is Christmas Eve and Joy #19 is the fact that God sent his only son to be born. Can't get more joyful than that.
Joy #20 is a bittersweet joy. As most of you know one of my best friends passed away this year. This is the first Christmas without her. I missed her terribly every day. But today it is hitting me really hard. But I'm joyful that I had the time that I did have to be her friend.
Joy #21 is seeing my son love his cat unconditionally.
Joy #22 is decorating my house for Christmas. I love snowmen and use them around the house. Here are a few:
Joy #23....Santa is coming and the stocking is already stuffed for me to put up later tonight and the presents are wrapped.
Joy #24....FRIENDS!
Joy #25 is this sign....LOVE IT!
Joy #26...Is the Music Ministry staff. They are an amazing group of people and I'm blest that they are in our lives.