Joy #34 - #41
For my next Joys I'd like to share with you Sam on Christmas morning.
Joy #34 is Sam getting a Sock Monkey out of his stocking. He's been asking for one for a long time now, including this year, and they are not the easiest to find without spending a fortune. This one was a mini one and only cost a few dollars!
Joy #35 The other item that Sam started asking for this year is a Pooping Reindeer. Yes, you read that correctly, a Pooping Reindeer. Found one!
Joy #36 & #37 is finally seeing Sam get some St. Louis Cardinals swag. Since we live down here in TX Rangers territory it's really hard to get any Cardinal items. And since we've become a TX Ranger family we had to ask our Missouri family to get Sam some. So for Christmas his Grandparents got him a shirt and calendar. He was thrilled!
Joy #38 is a present that I received from Andy. It's a frame with butterflies and the words Love, Live, Laugh on them with a quote on glass in the middle. It's now proudly hanging in my kitchen where I can see it every day. Here is the quote:
Joy #39 is spending a quite Christmas day with my family. Just resting and being together. It was WONDERFUL!
Joy #40 is going to sound kind of weird to some...but I was able to finish cleaning up the house before my parents and nieces arrived to spend last week with us. It's a great feeling having a clean house. Now I just need to maintain. sigh
Joy #41 is a great one...my parents and nieces were able to spend most of last week with us. I think that was the best Christmas present I could have asked for.
Come back tomorrow to see my other Joys!