Okay...this first picture is a bit blurry...sorry about that. Taking these pictures on Friday all started because when I went in to Albertson's to do some grocery shopping the gas had just gone up to $2.97. When I came out maybe 15 minutes later it had gone up to $2.99!
I go driving down the street heading towards Wal-Mart and I see this on! I was in total shock! It says $3.09!!!
Get to Wal-Mart and see that they are still at $2.99. Okay...a bit better considering that you can go into Wal-Mart, get a gift card, put money on it, and then take it to the gas station where you can get three cents off per gallon. This would take it down to $2.96. Now today, Saturday, when I went there to purchase some birthday presents for the upcoming 4 birthday parties that Sam has been invited to I was that their gas was already up to $3.05! Oh my gosh!
This one was also taken on Friday as I was headed home. And to think that we are not the highest. Oh, and also today I saw one at $3.11.
I am feeling it! The gas prices here in Ohio are $3.39 a gallon for the regular!! It's insane!
I know...It's ridiculus! I think gas was $3.25 here the last time I looked.
I'm in Indiana, and gas is about 3.35 today. :(
3.53 'round these parts (near San Francisco), which is really hard to swallow when we have three or four major refineries around here...
We did the jump-the-$3-mark a couple of weeks ago. Now it pops back and forth across the line and we play wait-for-the-drop.
Oh, and gas and milk keep playing leap-frog themselves. Yeowch.
$3.39.9, so really $3.40 here in the northern Metro Detroit area.. Thank goodness that, being retired, we don't have to drive much anymore.
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