We never found Gilligan. We do however feel in our hearts that he is somewhere in our neighborhood (or surrounding neighborhood) just as happy as can be. He will always be missed and I will still always look for him but I just can't keep up looking for him every day at three different shelters. It just wore me out physically and emotionally.
Since I stopped blogging Sam has been one busy boy. He has built a bird house with his boy scout troop. It was a great afternoon of "male bonding" with some of the fathers and the use of power tools! At one point when they started to paint their bird houses some of them took off their shirts in the sun to paint. Sam made his so fast that I didn't get a chance to take pictures of him actually putting it together but I did get some pictures taken. Here are a few pictures:
Sam also ran the Cowtown 5k a few Saturdays ago. At his school they have a running club which Sam begged to be involved in. I couldn't say no. Every Monday after school he participates in the running club and has really learned a lot. He loves his coach and it doesn't hurt that his teacher is also involved in the club. I also made Sam a hat for him to wear at the marathon since it was quite cold when it started. As usual I took pictures!
I have also finished some knitting projects this past month too. I didn't get a chance to photograph one project as I did it so quickly. One of our good friends was in a play at his church and asked if I could knit up a scarf and beret in red. I did both of those in the time frame of 3 days. Whew! I'm hoping that some day I'll be able to get a photograph of them. I have also finished two hats for Sam and have still been working on my socks. Again...here are some photos:
Last but not least....SAM TURNS 8 TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that he is going to be 8 already. It seems like just yesterday we were picking him up from the agency and stuffing him into his car seat. That is a story for tomorrow.
Welcome Back!!! :)
Happy Birthday to Sam!!!! I hope he has a spectacular birthday. :)
I am so sorry that Gilligan never came home. I'm sure he is as happy as he can be.
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