Saturday, May 30, 2009

PhotoHunt - Books

This weeks theme over at PhotoHunt was Books. I didn't take any new pictures this week because, honestly, I forgot. So into my my photo archives I go. If you'd like to see more "book" pictures just click the icon above.

Sam at the library reading books. It's hard to get him out of there some days. The next picture of the books are books from my grandfather. They are very special to our family.
Sam a few years back when he got his reading glasses.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Looking At The Sky On Friday

We were all outside in our front yard last night, Andy and Sam were playing catch, and I noticed the beautiful sky. So, of course, I went back inside and got my camera. Here is what we saw.

If you'd like to see some more amazing pictures just head on over to Crazy Working Mom and check them out.

You Capture - Family

The theme for You Capture this week was Family. My first thought was to take a picture of our family. But you know me...I like to think outside the box. I then remembered this past Christmas when my parents gave their three grand kids and my sister and I a notebook containing a lot of our family history. Our family history is very important to us and we even have a published book! Here are some of the pictures that I took while it was all being presented to us.

Here is my Dad holding just a portion of our family tree. This is just following the males on my Dad's side of the family.
My Dad had Sam read the front of his notebook out loud because his is completely different than the others. For those of you that don't know or haven't figured it out...Sam is adopted. Sam now loves to learn more about his family history.
Here you see my sister, her two girls, and her husband. You can see all the individual notebooks as we follow along with my Dad.
Here my line of the family.
This one is a picture of my great grandfathers birthplace in Midland, Kings County, New Brunswick, Canada.
If you'd like to see more "Family" pictures just click on the icon above.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Silhouette

This weeks photo challenge over at I Faces is to take a silhouette photo. We've had some not so nice weather and have been busy to where I didn't have time to take a specific photo. Then tonight I remembered that when I had taken some photos of Sam at a local park I might have taken some that were silhouettes. Lo and behold I had. Sam was having fun on the swings and the sun had pretty much set but the sky was still light. I sat down on the ground right by the swings so that I was looking up at him as he swung by. I had a lot of fun taking these photos. Probably more fun then he was swinging. If you would like to see more silhouette photos just click the icon above.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ten On Tuesday

This weeks 10 on Tuesday is one that I don't think I'll be able to think of 10 to list. Mainly because I don't pay that much attention to them.

This weeks '10' is: 10 Celebrities You’re Tired Of (see what I mean?) I'm not one that follows that many celebrities and if I do it's because I respect them. So here's my list in no particular order:

1. Paris Hilton
2. Octo-Mom (but I think she's already gone away)
3. Oprah
4. Britney Spears
5. Jessica Simpson
6. Tony Romo (with the aforementioned person above because living in the Dallas area we hear a lot about them)

Well that's all I can really think of. As you can see celebrities don't really mean that much to me. Which I'm guessing is a good thing.

How about you? Who would be on your list? Click on the icon above and join in on the fun!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

PhotoHunt-Plastic & You Capture-Sweet

This weeks theme for PhotoHunt was plastic. I immediately thought of a picture that I took last summer at Hawaiian Falls. Here is a picture of some of the water slides. If you'd like to see more photos on this theme click on the PhotoHunt button above.


The theme for You Capture this week was Sweet. I actually had a hard time with this one until I walked out my front door yesterday morning. Our flowers were in bloom and I thought to myself that these would make great photos for this weeks assignment! I couldn't settle on just one photo so I chose some of my favorites out of the almost 60 pictures I took. If you would like to see more You Capture photos just click the You Capture button above.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Looking At The Sky On Friday

While driving to church yesterday evening for a handbell trio practice I looked up and saw the sun starting to go behind the clouds. I grabbed my camera and took this shot out the front windshield. Want to see more sky photos? Click here!

Contest You Should Check Out

You need to go and check out this contest! It's over at I Faces.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spring Reading Thing 2009 & Booking Through Thursday

1. Eldest by Christopher Paolini - DONE
2. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer - DONE
3. The Art of Prayer by Timothy Jones - Almost Finished
4. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer - DONE
5. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer - Starting 5/21 and will probably finish this weekend.
6. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

I wasn't planning on doing another update for the Spring Reading Thing 2009 but I just finished another book. I didn't know what all the hype was about Breaking Dawn when it came out so just like some other books I had picked up to read in the past I decided to see what all the buzz was about and to see if it was worth it. I am now completely loving these books! I can't seem to read them fast enough. I'll be starting the third book today and with it being a holiday weekend and not much planned I will probably be able to finish this one too and start on the fourth one. Looks like I'll have to add some more books to my list. I need to get some sort of list going for this summer too. What books have you read lately? Need some ideas as to what to read this summer.

Booking Through Thursday

This weeks question is: What book would you love to be able to read again for the first time?

For some reason I'm having a hard time coming up with just one book. I can think of a bunch of books that I would love to read again. There is so much excitement reading a book that you can't seem to put down and to be able to have that feeling all over again would be great! But I can't seem to pin-point it down to just one.

The series of books that came to my mind first was Harry Potter then the Little House series of books. Then my mind went to a single book that I read back in Jr. High School. It's called Eric by Doris Lund. It was an amazing book and now that I think of it I would love to read it again.

How about you? What book would you love to be able to read again for the first time?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Blurb Photo Book Contest Entry

It was pretty easy to pick out the picture that I wanted to use this week for the I Faces picture contest. This photo is probably my all time favorite that I took of Sam last summer. I took this photo as Sam was jumping out of the water. There is pure joy on that face. It was the first time we had a "big" pool in our back yard and I don't think I've seen a happier face. Once I got in to see the pictures I had taken that day I was surprised to see that I had captured this shot. I've had it here on my blog a few times before and am happy to put it here again. Remember that you can click on it to see it full size.

I am submitting this photo into the Blurb book photo contest. If chosen, I grant I Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I Faces web sites.

Ten On Tuesday

This weeks 10 on Tuesday is a good one. What are you 10 Favorite Cities? Here are mine in no particular order:
1. Mansfield TX
2. Nashville TN
3. Springfield MO
4. St. Simon's Island GA
5. Baltimore MD
6. Chicago IL
7. Chattanooga TN
8. Overland Park KS
9. St. Louis MO
10. Harve de Grace MD

What are yours? Click on the icon above and join everyone or leave yours here in my comments.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Reading Thing 2009 Update

The Spring Reading Thing 2009 has been going on for almost 2 months now. I didn't start right when they started which was March 20th but instead started on April 2nd. Or at least that is when I made my list of books that I would like to read. That list has changed since I started though. Here is the list that I started with:

1. Shadow Dance by Julie Garwood
2. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
3. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
4. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
5. The Art of Prayer by Timothy Jones - re-reading this one for our Sunday School class
6. Summerland by Michal Chabon
7. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
8. Eldest by Christopher Paolini - currently reading

I have finished reading #7 & #8! Woo Hoo! I'm almost finished reading #5 too.

Here is what my list now looks like:

1. Eldest by Christopher Paolini - DONE
2. Twlight by Stephenie Meyer - DONE
3. The Art of Prayer by Timothy Jones - Almost Finished
4. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer - Will be finished by this weekend
5. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
6. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

I know that I'll get all of these read by the end of the challenge which is June 20th. I'll add to my list from there. Having a life where we are all going so many different ways at the same time makes for not much reading time. I still want to finish my original list as well but I just don't see myself getting it done before June 20th. Now with summer break right around the corner I might be able to get more reading done.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blogoversary...3 Years & Going!

It's my blogs birthday today. I've posted 351 times but I really didn't start actively posting until Dec 31, 2006. I have had 17,382 hits on my counter. I started this blog when we lived in Missouri. We moved to Louisiana and now are in our second home in Texas. I really enjoy keeping a blog as it lets me look back on what has happened in out lives.

Today is also a first for Andy and Sam. Andy surprised Sam this morning at school by taking him out of school and took him to a Texas Rangers game. Before he went to pick him up we went out and purchased him a jersey and a t-shirt for him to wear to the game. The game just finished and they won in the bottom of the 9th inning. They won 3-2. They had not scored a single run until the bottom of the ninth and what a way to end a game. It was a quick game as it started at 1:30 and is just finished as I write this and it's now 3:24! I talked to Andy before the game started and he said that Sam was very surprised and that they were already having a great time together.

We'll be going to another game later this month as a family but I'm just so happy that they got to spend this afternoon together.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

PhotoHunt - Walking

The theme for this weeks PhotoHunt is Walking. Since Sam and I have been doing some hiking on the weekends I knew exactly what photo I would use this week. Towards the end of our hike last Saturday I put the camera down on the path and took a picture of Sam walking ahead of me. You can't see his legs much less tell that he's walking but it is definitely applied. I love how this one turned out!

To see more PhotoHunts just click the icon above. Or...join us! What is your walking picture?


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