Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Do I Blog

Probably the number one reason I blog is to keep a record of our lives. Even if at times I miss big chunks of it at least some of it is here.

I started this blog back in May of 2006. I had absolutely no idea as to what I was doing or what I was getting myself into at the time. Sam was 6 years old at the time (gee where has the time gone?) and was playing soccer. Did you know that he finally learned how to swing by himself on May 27, 2006? See...I probably wouldn't have remembered that either if I hadn't blogged about it. Not to mention that he learned how to ride his bike without training wheels on July 4, 2006!

From there (Springfield MO) we moved to Louisiana for 9 months and then to the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas on September 1, 2007! It was fun to chronicle our move to Texas too. Even though it wasn't as much fun at the time it's nice to have it all written down to look back on. In 2007 I wrote 214 posts! WOW! That's a record for far...I plan on breaking that this year.

In 2008 I really discovered participating in meme's but it was also the year that I blogged the least. Go figure. I discovered Freecycle! Check out what I found in just a small amount of time for our house. During the summer of 2008 my whole family also participated in the musical, The Music Man. Also during the summer of 2008 Sam and went along with the youth choir from our church on their Mission Trip.

Probably the most memorable moment from 2009 was our car accident. Another post that really sticks out in my mind is when I wrote about my mood one day. Talk about a day! Sam found a wonderful place to hike. We celebrated the end of Sam's 3rd grade year with a trip to see the Ranger's play baseball.

These are just a very small handful of posts that I have picked to share with you in my trip down memory lane. One day I hope that we'll all be able to look back at what this family had done over the years.


Unknown said...

This is a great post! Isn't it fun to look back over your blog posts? Blogging is a great way to record life for future reference.
Not to mention, a great way to meet new people!

Lisa @
All That and a Box of Rocks

Crazy Working Mom said...

Great job! I started out blogging for family, to keep up with the kids and such. But, it has turned into so much more. :)

Amy said...

I blog for many of the same reasons and sure wish I would have started sooner! The memories are so the time you think you'll never forget, but you do if you don't right it down.


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