Sitting here watching the Rose Bowl parade and thought I would take a few moments to share some more joys...here are #44 ~ #53.
#44 Seeing my nieces opening a present together.
#45 My niece being goofy across the dining room table after our dinner. She was bored..but boy has she grown up. She is a beautiful young lady.
#46 Here they are...the three cousins.
#47...one of my beautiful nieces posing for a photo after diner.
#48...going down memory lane. This is one of three angels that has always been put out by my parents. When growing up they were always on our mantel and I loved looking at them.
#49...Sam enjoying his gifts from his Aunt, Uncle and cousins. This boy loves his action figures.
#50...the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
#51...my niece already enjoying her book. She finished it that night.
#52...my other niece enjoying her new book. Can you tell we're a family that loves to read?
#53...we may be behind the times...but we finally got a Wii. We have already spent many hours playing together.
Happy New Year... We did puzzles today and made a ginger bread house.
We are also a family that loves books and loves to read.
Even when we went camping this past year there were books along on hikes and for fireside reading.
Wanted to stop and wish you a Happy New Year!
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