I do not want a pet spider!!!!!! Can't stand them and I hope that Sam doesn't ever want one.
Soup: Describe your hair (texture, color, length, etc.).
My hair is brown with high and low lights in it. Past my shoulders and cut in long layers.
Salad: Finish this sentence: I’ll never forget ___________.
I'll never forget the day that we saw Sam for the first time. We went over to his foster parents house not knowing what to expect and there he was. The child that we were going to adopt. He was such a beautiful baby. I got to hold him, play with him and feed him that day. Then we had to leave and wait almost a full month before I could hold him again. That was probably one of the longer months of my life.
Main Course: Which famous person would you like to be for one day? Why?
I honestly can't think of one person that I would want to be for a day right now....but can I have the money that they would make in one day and not have to return it??? Now that would be nice.
Dessert: Write one sentence about yourself that includes one thing that is true and another thing that is not.
I am a very happy person most of the time and I am 6 feet tall.
I'm not fond of spiders either and I have never thought of having one for a pet. My 3-yr old son seems fascinated with them though.
I'm sure you are a very happy person.
Thanks for sharing.
Spiders give me the willies!
Oh, I do cross stitch too! We're gonna do this wee one's room in dragon cross stitches. We're just waiting for the aida to come in.
Thanks for visiting my FF!
i'm guessing you're close to 7 feet - lol! come dine with me! ;)
Ooh, take Bill Gates. You could make all the money you need in just one day!
Thanks for stopping by!
loved your feast--congatulations on the adoption!! I am an adoptive parent myself :)
I agree with you on the appetizer. Have a great weekend!
Spiders make me freak out...ahhhh! Your feast was wonderful! Thanks for stopping by mine, and yep I did buy a new pink phone and it is STILL intact! :) Have a happy weekend!
Great Feast. I don't really like spiders myself...thanks for visiting my feast.
great feast! i didn't even think of spiders or snakes or things like that when i prepared my appetizer - but i've seen several people who did.
I really like your salad. Thanks for sharing this great feast! Have a blessed weekend! :-)
Hi Kim, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm not a huge fan of spiders too...lizards seems as bad! Enjoyed your feast.
Love your feast, great dessert.
Thanks for visiting.
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