Thursday, April 30, 2009

Booking Through Thursday - Worse?

Here is this weeks question from Booking Through Thursday:

Which is worse?

Finding a book you love and then hating everything else you try by that author, or
Reading a completely disappointing book by an author that you love?

Personally I think that both scenarios are equally disappointing. I have been through both but believe it or not will continue to read those authors books.

For having a book that is completely disappointing by an author that I love I usually find that just because there is one disappointing book by that author that they are not all like that. There is always bound to be a bad apple in the bunch. Not always but sometimes.

As for finding the one book that I love but hating everything else by a particular author...I just count myself lucky that I found one that I loved and hope that one day I'll find another one by them.

Not to mention that just because I don't like that particular book/author doesn't mean some one else won't find it great. It's all objective.

To see other answers to this question please click on the icon above. Join in or leave your comments on these questions.

You Capture - Joy

Here in Texas this week is the dreaded TAKS testing at schools. Sam this past weekend and on Monday was just terrified about taking his Math TAKS test on Tuesday. He even cried to sleep Monday night and begged me not to take him to school on Tuesday. Once I reminded him that it wouldn't do any good to miss it because he would just have to take it later in a make-up test day he resigned to go ahead and go. I prayed and prayed and prayed for him all day long. Once he came home he was all smiles! I couldn't believe it. The teachers had taken a few kids from each class that they thought would do better testing with just 4 kids each in a room and having lots of breaks to help them with their testing. Sam was one of those kids picked! I was thrilled to hear that. Sam himself said that it made it so much better and that he felt that he did a good job. He already passed the Reading TAKS test last month and now we're just in the waiting period now to find out how he did with this one. To help him celebrate that he was done taking it (or at least I hope he's done taking it--if they don't pass they have to re-take it) we took him out to dinner and then I took him to the park afterwards. It was just after 8:00 at night and the sun was setting behind a cloudy sky. But it made for such great pictures. While he was swinging I sat down on the ground really close and captured him as he swung by. Then it was off to the jungle gym area where he had fun jumping off of them. You can see the pure joy in his face as he played. So I decided to use these photos for this weeks You Capture picture. If you'd like to see more head on over there! Or better your picture of Joy! We'd love to see them.

In this last photo Sam was jumping off of a rock climbing wall and I got this great photo!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Amazing Giveaway

You have got to check out the giveaway that I Faces is doing today! Click here to go enter.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Reflection

This week at I Faces the "assignment" was Reflection. With grey skies and rain most of this past week I didn't get much time outside to get the picture taken the way I wanted to. So today I had Sam look into a mirror. This is the mirror above our mantel and it just so happens that there is a picture of him there with his cousins that they had taken recently. Forgot that it was there until I started looking at the pictures that I took for this. Love the look on his face.

Head on over to I Faces to see the other participants! They are all great!

Ten On Tuesday

On this weeks 10 on Tuesday we are asked to give 10 words people would use to describe you. One would think that this would be an easy list to do. But once you sit down to make the list you realize that it's not that easy.

Here is my 10 Words People Would Use to Describe Me:

1) Creative
2) Friendly
3) Happy
4) Caring
5) Worry-wort
6) Silly
7) Serious
8) Quiet
9) Helpful
10) Kind

Make your list and see what you come up with. Or better yet...join us! Click on the icon above.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

PhotoHunt - Protect(ion)

This weeks theme for Photo Hunt was Protect(ion). If you'd like to play along or would just like to see what every one else came up with click the icon above. Have fun!

The first thing that came to my mind was church.

The second thing that came to my mind was seat belts. I love this picture because of the look on Sam face. "Whatcha' doing Mom?" is what that face is saying to me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cedar Ridge Preserve

I've been meaning to write about last Saturday all week but I just never got around to it. Last weekend Sam and I were supposed to be camping at the Dinosaur Valley State Park near Glen Rose TX, with the scouts. But there were terrible thunderstorms on Thursday evening and all day Friday. So it was cancelled. Sam and I were not to happy that we didn't get to go. On Saturday once the misty rain that was still in the air left the area we got into the car and went to the Cedar Ridge Preserve to hike. We had a ton of fun and I loved watching Sam observe all the nature around him. We went to three of their areas, the Butterfly Garden, Little Bluestem Trail and the Bluebonnet Trail. Oh and somewhere in there we took a wrong turn, doubled back and also took part of the Mulberry Trail. These trails were "ranked" wheelchair accessible, easy and moderate. There are even easy-moderate, moderate-difficult and difficult trails. The Bluebonnet Trail that we took was rated moderate and I must tell you that we were worn out after we were done. My definition of moderate sure didn't meet theirs. But the part I remember most is the smile on Sam's face as we did it. We will go back. Maybe even tomorrow if the weather holds out. Don't know which trail we'll do next but we'll do a different one for sure. Of course, I took my camera and took a ton of pictures. I put together a slide show of some of them (see below) and I also wanted to share with you just a handful of my favorites. Remember that you can click on the pictures to see them bigger.

This is just one of many beautiful poppies that we saw in the Butterfly Gardens.
Sam loved and I can't state it loud enough for you....LOVED....looking at the snails. Since we had so much rain there were snails everywhere. At one point, once we started on the moderate trail, I had to remind him that he had to watch where he was going instead of trying not to step on the snails.
I loved the fact that I was able to capture the rain drops on the flowers that we saw in the Butterfly Gardens. The smell of these roses were heavenly.
When we got off the right trail we rain into a lot of sticky mud. At one point our shoes had so much mud on them we both felt like we had 5-10 pound weights on our feet. This picture was taken after we had stomped off some of the mud. And in case you are wondering...yes, my 9 year old son has bigger feet than I.

Towards the end of the last trail that we were on we found this tree. I love the way that it bends and twists.

You Capture - Letters

This weeks assignment on You Capture was 'Letters'. For a person that loves to read the first thing that popped into my head was books.

Sam loves to go to the library. This time he couldn't wait until we got home to start reading. He sat right down at the table this week in the library and started reading. When it was time to go he carried his books out to the car and started reading again. Love that boy!

Most of these books here belonged to my Grandfather. He was a Methodist pastor and I cherish these books.

I'm sure everyone has one of these. Maybe not a library card but a card none the less hanging on your key chain that has words/letters on it.

This is my current reading stack. Again...lots of words/letters.......Then I thought, nah, that's to obvious.

How about the signs we see all over the place.

Nope, to obvious again.

Maybe a cross stitch that I have sitting next to some books on a bookshelf that has words/letters on it?

Still, to obvious.

How about on the items that we wear?

Here you can see the letters ck on the side of my friends sunglasses. Thanks Rachel!

How about the obscure?
Here are some tiles on the table at Chili's. If you look hard enough you can see the letter 'e' on the first one and the letter 'x' in the second one.

Nope...these are all still there out in the open for everyone to see.

How about the fact that we can recycle our letters?

Not to mention that there are letters all over the outside of it.

Nope. I wanted to think more outside the box this week.

Here is a picture of some hand bells that I play quite often. In fact several times I week I'm practicing with them. Yes, they have letters on them.

But it's not these that I really wanted to share with you this week.

It's notes. Did you know that each music note is actually a letter. So every time you listen to music, any kind of music, you're listening to letters also. How cool is that!

Would you like to see more? Click here:

Looking At The Sky On Friday

This week I've been so busy doing a little bit of this and that. You know those weeks where you find yourself running so much that you meet yourself as you're heading out the door yet again. I did take lots of photos this week but I don't think a one of them was of the sky. I went to take a picture this morning but the sky is completely gray. So I dug into my archives yet again and found this one.

If you'd like to see more Looking At The Sky On Friday photos then click on the link!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Won The 2009 Spring Photo Contest

I can't begin to thank all of my wonderful readers enough. You are all the best! Then there are all of my friends and family that I emailed. You guys rock! You all pulled through, went over to vote for my photo and now I am happy to announce that I am the winner! If you want to see the announcement you can Check it out here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Self Portrait

Over at I Faces this week the "assignment" is: Self Portrait. In this self portrait you must take the photo and you must be holding the camera when you take it (you can’t use a tripod or anything else to hold the camera for you.) This wasn't an easy assignment for me because I really don't like to have my picture taken. But I did it anyway.

Be sure to check out the other entries at the official blog for I Faces!

UPDATE: I've decided to enter a photograph into the Kids category too. I was helping Sam with his homework and I saw that I had the camera on the table. I reached over to it and started taking pictures. Of course by now it's hot so my hair is pulled back into a ponytail the make-up is gone and I look tired but I was having fun. By the end Sam had had enough of the camera so I leaned over to kiss him and took one more. You can see by the look in his eyes that this is not what he wanted to be doing. It's a dorky picture but it's a good one as it captured the moment so well.

Ten On Tuesday

This weeks Ten on Tuesday is 10 Underrated Movies. Since I lately most of the movies I've been watching are children's/family movies I really had to think about these movies. Not in any particular order...just the order that I thought of them:

10 Underrated Movies:

1. Office Space
2. The Lake House
3. Practical Magic
4. Mystic Pizza
5. Sweet November
6. Bewitched
7. Peggy Sue Got Married
8. So I Married An Axe Murderer
9. Galaxy Quest
10. Igor

Okay that was much harder than I thought it would be. So what are yours? Would you like to participate? Head on over to here.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Vote 4 Yours Truly!!!

As you have probably seen above and from another post just yesterday I've entered a photograph of Sam into a photo contest. I would be just tickled pink if you would take a few moments of your time to go on over and vote for me!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

PhotoHunt - Purple

This weeks PhotoHunt theme was a hard one for me. I did take quite a few pictures this week of the theme but once I reviewed them all this morning I ended up picking a photo from my archives. This is a cross stitch that I did of a Purple Halloween Hat.
After going on the nature walk/hike with Sam I realized how many pictures I had taken of purple flowers. So here are some more.

If you'd like to see more go to the home of PhotoHunt! Or better yet...submit your own! I'd love to see them!

Photo Contest

Write From Karen is holding her quarterly photo contest. I've decided to enter. This quarters theme is: SPRING / GREEN / FLOWER / FRESH / GROWTH / RAIN / EASTER. If you would like to enter you still have a few hours left to do so, just click on the banner above. Nothing like entering at the last minute! Voting begins today after 5:00 central time and don't worry...I'll be sure to remind you to go and vote for me!

The picture I chose was taken the day before Easter with Sam lying in a field of Bluebonnets. This was our first time ever going to do this and it is big tradition here in TX. I think we might just have to keep doing this. He's so photogenic and is a natural at it. I actually took this photo when he didn't realize I was. I think those are the best photos.

Friday, April 17, 2009

You Capture - Rustic


I know what you are all going to say, "Gee, Kim, another photo challenge? How many are you going to participate in?" My answer? "As many as I want to, so there!" I can't tell you how I got there or recognize the blog that pointed me there because I was just surfing blogs and came across this one. I Should Be Folding Laundry has a new photo meme called "You Capture" and it's to get you up and going with your camera. Go here to learn more about it. This weeks "assignment" is Rustic. Since I just found this weekly assignment and the fact that there are Thunderstorms outside I went to my archives because as soon as I read it I knew exactly the photos I wanted to use. I recently took them and haven't had the chance to share them here.

Next weeks assignment is "Letters". I see so many different ways to take this so check back next week to see what I come up with. Or better yet, join in!

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Have you seen it yet? Have you? Have you? Well, have you? I tell you that I can't wait to see this one! Now to wait until July!

Looking At The Sky On Friday

I was hurrying trying to get from one obligation to the next last night and was in a frazzled rush when I really looked at the sky (and yes the road) while I was driving and this is what I saw. I saw the beautiful sky with the sun setting behind the clouds. I saw a road with no other cars on it where there are usually quite a lot. Then I thought that it's okay to slow down and enjoy the moment that was put here in front of me. I reached over to my purse and grabbed my camera and took this photograph while I was driving so that I could not only share it with you but also be able to look back on it when life seems to be going by fast.

If you'd like to see more Looking At The Sky On Friday photos then click on the link!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Booking Through Thursday - Windfall

It's Thursday so it's time for Booking Through Thursday. Here is the question:

Yesterday, April 15th, was Tax Day here in the U.S., which means lots of lucky people will get refunds of over-paid taxes.

Whether you’re one of them or not, what would you spend an unexpected windfall on? Say … $50? How about $500?

(And, this is a reading meme, so by rights the answer should be book-related, but hey, feel free to go wild and splurge on anything you like.)

Well if I stick to the reading meme then I guess I would purchase a whole bunch of books for the whole family. The ones that we have been waiting and waiting to get. Might even get myself a good book light as I have misplaced my last one. I would also like to purchase books for the library so that every one can enjoy them.
Now, if I wasn't sticking the the reading meme I would still probably purchase some books but I would also purchase some supplies for knitting, cross stitching and crafting in general! I would also purchase supplies for my business. I would definitely also purchase some much needed clothes for myself.
What would you buy? Click on the link or icon above and participate or just see what everyone else would buy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Easter/Spring

To me this photo screams Spring in Texas. We took Sam out to see the Bluebonnets for the first time since we moved here. We missed taking him last year so we made sure to take him this year. Be sure to check out the other entries at the official blog for I ♥ Faces!


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