Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Reflection

This week at I Faces the "assignment" was Reflection. With grey skies and rain most of this past week I didn't get much time outside to get the picture taken the way I wanted to. So today I had Sam look into a mirror. This is the mirror above our mantel and it just so happens that there is a picture of him there with his cousins that they had taken recently. Forgot that it was there until I started looking at the pictures that I took for this. Love the look on his face.

Head on over to I Faces to see the other participants! They are all great!


Janis said...

Great Picture! :)

Drew said...

He's so cooperative! My little booger immediately assumed that our photo op was a game where he had to get away at all costs! :) I'm looking forward to the day when my kids will pose like your Sam did. (Will it ever come?) :)

ellieshine said...

I love the serious look on his face. He is a gorgeous boy!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

He is very photogenic. What a heart breaker you've got on your hands! Nice shot.

CindyMae said...

Wonderful pictures! Sam really takes great pictures, the camera love him!!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

What a fun photo! I'm looking forward to meeting you this weekend!! Let's cross our fingers for good weather:-)

I Heart Faces

Esther said...

Love the reflection, and the setting. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Lovely capture x

mahina said...

i love the look on his face. classic!

thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment!

Annette said...

I think it's cool that there is a family picture in your shot. He is very cooperative.

D... said...

Super picture! Sam is so photogenic (because he's so darn cute). :)

Keri said...

Great capture. He's so cute!


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