Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reading Challenge

I've decided to jump in on this Reading Challenge. It started back on January 1st of this year but I know the books that I have read already so I'll add them to my list that I'll be writing out for you in a later post as I want to make sure that I have the authors correctly credited. One thing that I am really liking about this particular reading challenge is that we can count a book as read no matter how it's read. Which means I can count my audio books and ebooks! I'm currently re-reading The Little House on the Prairie books. If you'd like to join in on this challenge just click the button below or the one that I have in my right side-bar.
UPDATE: Sam is going to try this challenge too! We'll go back to January and figure out what books he has already read.

Unconscious Mutterings

Free association time! She says and I think:

  1. Harm :: Do no

  2. If :: I wonder...

  3. On my own :: silence

  4. She said :: He said

  5. Illegal :: wrong

  6. Broke :: fix

  7. It’s a :: boy!

  8. Chatting :: yakking

  9. Cottage :: cozy home

  10. Podcast :: listen

Want to see more mutterings? Click HERE to visit more Unconscious Mutterings!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

And The Winner Is....

I had planned on picking a winner for the MagnaPods Giveaway last night after getting home from my son scout meeting but I had technical difficulties and could not get it done until this morning. So without further ado....the winner is....Vanessa of Military Wife Mayhem. She has a great blog too so head on over there and not only congratulate her but leave her some comment love! I've emailed her and left her a comment on her blog. If by chance I don't hear from her I'll pick another winner. I'm going to give her a little extra time to respond because her hubby (Cpl. Mayhem) is home on leave. Thanks to all that entered. I really enjoyed not only getting the products to review but also getting to know some more wonderful bloggers!

Here is a screen shot of the random number:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Follow

After seeing quite a few blogs participating in Friday Follow I thought I would give it a go this week to see if I like it, to see how it works, and to find some new blogs! So without further ado...Welcome to the Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

Here's how YOU can join the celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many blogs as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

The Blog Hop is the same at each of our three hosts blogs so you do not have to add your blog at each site. Just one - but you can follow each blog. Follow a few or follow them all.

The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday 13 - Pet Peeves

For this weeks Thursday 13 I thought I would list 13 pet peeves of mine.
Check out other Thursday 13 by clicking the link above.
  1. Driving the wrong way in a parking lot when it's obvious that there is a big yellow arrow on the ground telling you which way to go OR the cars are all angled in the same direction.
  2. Speeding.
  3. Speeding in a school zone.
  4. Talking on your cell phone while you are in the check out lane in a store.
  5. Talking on your cell phone while ordering at a restaurant.
  6. Not walking/running or riding your bike on the RIGHT side when on a path.
  7. Taking off your socks and not turning them right side out so that I don't end up having to turn them when I do the laundry.
  8. Leaving toothpaste in your toothbrush.
  9. Misuse of there, their and they're.
  10. It's one thing to run spell check but to not proof read is another. A small mistake here and there is okay but it's when there are constant a published newspaper or magazine is where it really gets to me. There are people that get paid to proof read.
  11. Misuse of too, two and to.
  12. Spam emails.
  13. Forwarded emails that don't clean out all the other forwarded email addresses. That's actually quite dangerous as your email address (or others) is out there for everyone else to see. Which leads to more of #12.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Roses


Okay...I know this is supposed to be "wordless" but I wanted to let you all know where these roses came from. Sam is very proud of these roses as we got them after the final performance of Meet Me In St Louis this past Sunday afternoon. I think the theater bug has bitten him as he keeps asking me when the auditions to My Fair Lady are going to be held.

Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to see more Wordless Wednesday photos! They are always so good!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


As you can obviously see by now I have changed my blog and am still in the process of getting it where I like it. I will (hopefully) have it done this evening. I want to say thank you to those of you that left me either a comment here or sent me emails to help me pick out a layout. I ended up not going with one of the ones that I listed as my top 4 favorites but instead I kept looking until I found this one. I think it says it all for me....FAMILY is number one in my mind and is what I mainly blog about.

So...tell me what you think!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog Makeover!

I have a question for all of my readers out there. Yes, that means you! I need some feedback pronto. I'm trying to update my blog. I've learned how to add tabs at the top of my blog and those should go into effect sometime this week. I'm looking at some new layouts and this is where you all come in. Please look at each of these and then either leave me a comment or email me which one is your favorite. I don't know if I'll go with the crowd or just end up picking my own.

Layout #1 (follow this link and then look at the one named Tate. You'll have to click on it to see the full preview)
Layout #2 (follow this link and then look at the one named Happy Day. You'll have to click on it to see the full preview)
Layout #3
Layout #4 (this one is shown with just 2 columns but it comes in 3)

There is also the chance that I just keep what I have as long as I can get a 3rd column. I'm working on that also. I've had this layout for quite a long time now and am ready for some sort of change.

As always I'll also take suggestions to other designers. Just needs to be for blogger/blogspot and FREE!

Thanks for all of your help!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Unconscious Mutterings

Free association time! She says and I think:

  1. Teeth :: White

  2. Sweeten :: Tea

  3. Demons :: Bad

  4. Pizza :: Dinner

  5. Protector :: Police

  6. Smooth :: Silk

  7. Coat :: Warm

  8. Pebbles :: Stream

  9. Pregnant :: Baby

  10. Sing :: Musical
Want to see more mutterings? Click on the icon above!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meet Me In St Louis

As some of you may know Sam and I are in the chorus of the Mansfield Community Theatre's production of Meet Me In St Louis. Last night was opening night. It went really well! We have two performances today and one more tomorrow afternoon. I had my camera with me but I completely forgot to take some pictures so I'll try to get some today or tomorrow to share with you. Here's a video of Judy Garland doing The Trolly Song for your enjoyment.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Looking At The Sky On Friday

Want to see some more Looking At The Sky On Friday photos? Head on over to CrAzY Working Mom and check them out. I took this photo this morning as our next front was heading in. This was the only break in the clouds.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Giveaway Time!!!

Here is my first giveaway since joining Business 2 Blogger. I was connected with the company MagnaPods and have received some of their products to review and to host a giveaway!

MagnaPods help you organize and store your cosmetics. I received the Cosmetic Organizer with Adjustable Dividers and the Tooth Brush Holder.

I must say that I really do like these products! The thing that caught my attention first was the fact that the magnets are really strong and they stay put! I tried them out right away with my most used items. Including putting our thermometer in one of the slots. I'm always losing that thing and if I can have a place to put it where it doesn't get lost in the shuffle I'll be a very happy mom. I didn't include a picture of it but I also like the fact that these are adjustable!

I then got to thinking that some homes may not have a medicine cabinet or at least one that has metal to where these wonderful MagnaPods would stick. So I thought about where else you could use them. How about on the side of your refrigerator? Or maybe even the side of a file cabinet? See the thermometer still there? I'm telling you I lose it all the time. This will work great!

Or for you crafters out there how about putting some crafting supplies in them? Here are some knitting needles so that you can see how well it works!

How and what do you win?

You will win the Cosmetic Organizer with Adjustable Dividers and the Tooth Brush Holder.

1. Mandatory Entry and must be done before I count any "extra" entries.

  • Visit MagnaPods and tell me which product is your favorite and how you would use it.

2. Want some extra entries? Each of these things will earn you one additional entry – Please leave a comment below for EACH entry.

  • Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link to your blog post
  • Become a fan of The Misplaced Midwesterner on Facebook (see right side)
  • Add yourself to my Google Friend Connect (see right side)
  • Add my button to your blog (see left side)
  • Subscribe to my newsletter as you don't want to miss out on anything...especially giveaways! (see right side)
  • Follow me on Twitter (see left side)
  • Follow me on Networked Blogs (right side...again)

3. Want even MORE entries?

You can tweet and Facebook DAILY until the contest ends on February 25th at 6:00 p.m. Central Time – Once again, please leave a comment below for EACH entry

  • Tweet about this contest
  • Facebook about this contest
Again, please leave a comment/appropriate link to each entry…and good luck to all!

I received complimentary product for this review. The opinions were from my experience and were not influenced by any source. I was not monetarily compensated in any way.

America's Biggest Bedtime Story

I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time!

Today is "America's Biggest Bedtime Story" event presented by Book It! For this year's event, John Lithgow will share his book, Carnival of the Animals. Last year there were 197,972 participants that watched Lithgow read his book, I Got Two Dogs. This year if they surpass last years numbers they will donate funds for 50,000 meals to Haiti Relief through the World Food Program.

You can also re-watch last years, I Got Two Dogs, that is also written by John Lithgow. This one is a sing-a-long and is fun to watch! This event lasts all day so it really doesn't matter when you watch it, whether you're young or old...just go over there and watch a great story and help them surpass their goal! What are you waiting for? GO!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Bogart Award

A big Thank You goes out to Nicole over at The Young Mama Blog. She has found my blog worthy of the Bogart Award! Before you go any further you need to head on over to her blog and check it out and leave her some comment love. Then you can head on back over here...I'll be waiting.

Now on to the Bogart Award:

"This award means you're really going places, Baby. You'll still be blogging about your great adventures 10 years from now, and I'll still be reading them."

Here are the rules for this award:
- link back to the blogger who sent me this award
- post where I would like to be in 10 years
- pass it on to 10 awesome bloggers

In 10 years I'll have an almost 20 year old son! YIKES! That is kind of hard to wrap my head around. I'd love to see us with more kids than just Sam but it's all in God's hands/plans. In 10 years I'd love to have our dream home built...preferably a log cabin! We both have always wanted to have/live in one and have had several ideas as to the design of one. In 10 years I'll be 52 years old. I used to think that when I reached 50 that it would mean I was old. Now? I'm looking forward to it! In 10 years Andy and I will have been married 28 1/2 years. How awesome that will be!

Alright, lets pass this award on to 10 more bloggers!

Rachel @ The Science of Music
Tisha @ CrAzY Working Mom
Jenn @ MO Treatman Family
Rachelle @ The Thompson Crew
Petula @ It's A Woman's World!
Tiffany @ The Keeper At Home
Amy @ My Chaotic Bliss
D @ My Life Is Based On A True Story
Beth @ Love. Hope. New Beginnings
Wendy @ A Day In Our Life

Monday, February 15, 2010

Knitting Olympics

With the start of the Olympics I've also started in the Ravelympics on Ravelry. I'm competing in the Hat Halfpipe, Mitten Moguls, and Sock Hockey. I'll be posting here, as well as on Ravelry, my projects as they are done. I'm almost done with my first hat for the Hat Halfpipe but I can't show it here as it's for my sister and I don't want her to see it until it's finished. I can tell you that it has a lace brim and looks really good so far. In fact I'll probably do a second one just for me. If you're a knitter and you haven't heard of or joined in the fun on Ravelry...please click on the button above!

Want to know more about Ravelry? "Ravelry is a place for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners, and dyers to keep track of their yarn, tools, and pattern information, and look to others for ideas and inspiration." ~ From Ravelry... To read more about them read their About Us Section.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Unconscous Mutterings

She think...

  1. Suitcase :: Trip

  2. Exhaust :: Stinky

  3. Olympics :: Watching right now!

  4. Video :: Tape

  5. Cargo :: Plane

  6. Previously :: Before

  7. Wild card :: Joker

  8. Artificial :: Flower

  9. Gambling :: Waste of money

  10. Exhibition :: Show

Want to play along? Head on over to Unconscious Mutterings

24 Hours That Changed the World

Today at the end of church service we were told about the next sermon series that will begin next Sunday. "24 Hours That Changed the World" is the sermon series title and here is a small snippet to what it will be over. Looks very powerful and I can't wait to get to church next Sunday to start hearing this series!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Tonight was Sam's Blue & Gold Banquet with his Cub Scouts Pack. This year the Boy Scouts of America are celebrating their 100th birthday. We learned some amazing statistics about scouting that I thought would be great to share with you here.

Words To Live By

Trustworthy: 75% of Scouts agree that Scouting has taught them to always be honest and to be a leader.

Loyal: 88% of Scouts are proud to live in the USA and 83% say spending time with family is important to them.

Helpful: 8 out of 10 Scouts surveyed believe that helping others should become before their own self-interest.

Friendly: 80% of Scouts say that Scouting has taught them to treat others with respect and 78% to get along with others.

Courteous: Almost 9 of 10 Scouts (87%) believe older people should be treated with respect

Kind: 78% of Scouts say that Scouting has taught them to care for other people.

Obedient: Boys in Scouting five years or more are more likely to reject peer pressure to hang out with young delinquents.

Cheerful: 78% of Scouts are happy with their schools and their neighborhoods.

Thrifty: 82% of Scouts say that saving money for the future is a priority.

Brave: 80% of Scouts say that Scouting has increased their confidence and 51% rate their self-confidence as excellent.

Clean: 79% of Scouts say that Scouting has taught them to have more respect for the environment and their physical fitness.

Reverent: 83% of men who were Scouts for fire or more years say attending religious services as a family is very important.

Sometimes people ask me why Sam is a Scout and why I want him to be a Scout...these are the best reasons I can think of.

Friday, February 12, 2010


As I stated in the previous post we had record setting snow here. At our house we had 12 inches of snow! I cleared off my car 3 different times yesterday and for only one of them did I measure the snow on the top of my car. There was 3 inches on there and that had only happened within just a few hours time.
Three Inches

Yesterday after Sam got home from school, while it was still pouring down snow, Sam and I went outside to play in it. We built a snowman, had a snowball fight and he started on his fort. Today he has been outside to play three different times! He can't get enough of it. Andy and I shoveled off our driveway and for quite some time we were the only cleared driveway. Those that were trying to shovel their driveways were using small shovels to campfire shovels. We quickly offered our snow shovels to them and they were very grateful and wondered how we had gotten them. Once we told them that we moved from the midwest and had lived even further north they understood. Some were shocked when I spoke to them yesterday that this was a normal winter day and that I actually have missed having this type of day. Here are some more photos for your enjoyment.

Sam and Snowman Trees 100_6211 100_6209 100_6207 100_6231 100_6262

Looking At The Sky On Friday


As you all have probably heard by now...we got 12 inches of snow yesterday! For some of you this isn't big news but we live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas and this is big news. We don't get but maybe a dusting of snow. If anything we get ice and cold weather before we ever get snow. I personally have been wanting snow more than anything else and this has been a wonderful gift to have. In honor of this snow (which is a record setter here) I give you this photo for Looking At The Sky On Friday:

Sky and Tree

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lifted Spirits

I can't even begin to tell you how much my spirits are lifted this morning. We all knew that there was a chance of snow today. They said that it really wouldn't start until this afternoon and that we might get 1-3 inches. Guess what! When we woke up this morning I just had this feeling that we already had snow. I looked out our window and you can only imagine what I saw. SNOW! I took approximately 2 1/2 to 3 inches of snow off of my car this morning and it's still snowing. That was around 7:00 this morning. Depending on whether I watch NBC, ABC, CBS or the Weather Channel we could have anywhere between 3-10 inches now. It's amazing how different the forecasts are. But you know what? I really don't care. We have snow and that is exactly what I have been wanting for a long time this winter. It's good packing snow too so we'll be able to make a snowman after school today. Sam's pretty excited about the snow too and was pretty bummed this morning when our school district was not closed. We watched school after school after school scroll across the bottom of the screen but his was never listed. I know that a lot of the kids will have a hard time concentrating at school today because down here snow is a big thing that we don't see that often. I know I keep finding myself just staring out the window watching the snow quietly falling to the ground. Here is a picture of one of our bushes in front of our house this morning. I'm now off to enjoy the day!


Thursday 13 - Thankful

This is my first time participating in this "meme" and I thought I would list the 13 things that I am thankful for.

1. My best friend and husband.
2. My wonderful son.
3. My sons laughter and his smile.
4. My parents...I've got the best in the world!
5. My sister...she's just not my sister, she's my best friend!
6. My church!
7. My girlfriends.
8. My health.
9. That I live where I am able to make choices.
10. My sons teacher.
11. My extended family.
12. That I am able to work part time and still am able to be a stay at home.
13. And above all else...God.

Want to see more? Just click on the link above.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why Else Do I Blog?

I have always loved to take pictures but never really had a place where I could share them with others. Sure, they went into photo albums (when ALL cameras still used film) or they sit in a file on my computer waiting for me to finally print them out to put into photo albums. Once I started to blog I realized that I had an open forum to share them. It started out as pictures of Sam and family and then blossomed from there. I really got into in 2009 and I'm not looking back! In fact, as some of you may know, I've won some photo contests on here and I'm planning on entering more along with submitting them to a few sites where people would actually PAY ME to use them. Now how cool would that be! I am also getting several of my favorites together to have blown up and hung in my house. I remember a time where I probably wouldn't have thought of doing that but now I can't wait. I just love when I get the random comment about a photo. My Granddad was an amazing photographer and I have often found myself thinking of him when I'm taking photos. I'd love to one day have my own dark room like he did and be able to develop my own photos the way he used to. I'd like to take a moment to share with you some of my all time favorites. I'm pretty sure that at one time or another I've shared them here on this blog but I'd like to see them all together. If you so choose you can also click on them to see them full size.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Do I Blog

Probably the number one reason I blog is to keep a record of our lives. Even if at times I miss big chunks of it at least some of it is here.

I started this blog back in May of 2006. I had absolutely no idea as to what I was doing or what I was getting myself into at the time. Sam was 6 years old at the time (gee where has the time gone?) and was playing soccer. Did you know that he finally learned how to swing by himself on May 27, 2006? See...I probably wouldn't have remembered that either if I hadn't blogged about it. Not to mention that he learned how to ride his bike without training wheels on July 4, 2006!

From there (Springfield MO) we moved to Louisiana for 9 months and then to the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas on September 1, 2007! It was fun to chronicle our move to Texas too. Even though it wasn't as much fun at the time it's nice to have it all written down to look back on. In 2007 I wrote 214 posts! WOW! That's a record for far...I plan on breaking that this year.

In 2008 I really discovered participating in meme's but it was also the year that I blogged the least. Go figure. I discovered Freecycle! Check out what I found in just a small amount of time for our house. During the summer of 2008 my whole family also participated in the musical, The Music Man. Also during the summer of 2008 Sam and went along with the youth choir from our church on their Mission Trip.

Probably the most memorable moment from 2009 was our car accident. Another post that really sticks out in my mind is when I wrote about my mood one day. Talk about a day! Sam found a wonderful place to hike. We celebrated the end of Sam's 3rd grade year with a trip to see the Ranger's play baseball.

These are just a very small handful of posts that I have picked to share with you in my trip down memory lane. One day I hope that we'll all be able to look back at what this family had done over the years.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why I Blog

WAY TO GO SAINTS!! I'm just so happy that the Saints won the Super Bowl! WOO HOO!

I thought that this week I would share with you why I blog. There are quite a few reasons one of them being that I have discovered how much I really do love to write. I never really did like to write papers for school growing up but I always like writing letters to family and friends. It's so nice to have spent these past few years writing about our lives and I'm looking forward to many more years to come.

Come back tomorrow to see why else I blog.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

PhotoHunt - Average

This weeks theme for PhotoHunt was the word: average. I previously thought that other themes were hard until today. When talking it over with Andy he came up with a great idea. In school the average grade is a 'C'. So today we went out in search for the most average looking 'C' that we could find. Would you believe that the place we found it was our Public Library? Go figure! So I give you...Average:

If you would like to see more pictures on this theme head on over to PhotoHunt and look around.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Looking At The Sky On Friday

For this weeks sky picture for Looking At The Sky On Friday I have chosen to use a picture from my girls weekend to Fredericksburg, TX, at Deep In The Heart Bed and Breakfast. Just check out that beautiful blue sky! I'm getting this picture blown up and can't wait!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

T-Shirt Yarn

T-Shirt Yarn


I have been looking around the internet trying to find ways to connect with companies to do giveaways, reviews and contests but I really didn't know where to start? Then I read CrAzY Working Moms blog today and found this company! Business2Blogger This really seems like a wonderful place for me to start!

To find out more about this company just click the banner below!

Business 2 Blogger

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


For the month of January I ended up doing 1020 minutes of exercise! WOW! Now to get February under my belt. I didn't do a thing yesterday as far as exercise so hopefully one day off won't keep me away from meeting my goal. The only reason I went over my goal of 930 is because on Wednesdays when I go to tap class we end up tapping for 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours! We'll be going that much again most of this month too as we're learning a new routine and will be performing as well. So here's to February!

Monday, February 1, 2010

January Is Done - 365 Challenge

I can't believe it! For the whole month of January I blogged every single day! Some days there were more than one. Woo Hoo! Now to see if I can do it again this month. The times that I know that it will be harder are the times when I'll be out of town. Maybe I'll do some posts ahead of time and just schedule them to post on certain days. Or maybe I should have a guest blogger on here. What do you all think?


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