Monday, March 21, 2016

I'm Back!!!

Hello there!  I've had a long break from blogging and honestly it's something that I've missed every day.  If my brain could have published every post that I wrote in my head my blog would be overflowing.  I'm sure that other bloggers out there can understand where I'm coming from.  I hope to be able to post quite often from now on. In fact, now that "there's an app for that", I'll be able to also post on the go or at least start the composing of a post before I forget what I was going to write. 

For all of my past readers you might have noticed some changes here.  The most obvious change is the name of my blog.  I decided that I wanted to write about my life no matter what is going on.  I want to keep it real.  Not that it wasn't real before but I must admit that most of my posts were about the good times in my life.  Now, it will be everything.  I had also thought about just starting a new blog all together and getting rid of this one.  But I couldn't bring myself to delete everything here.  I do want to come up with a better look for my blog but for now I'm keeping it simple until I find something that I like.

Life for me has changed quite a bit recently and I will write about it at some point in time.  But for now I will tell you that I am currently separated from my husband.  This happened the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Sam, my son, and I are doing ok.  We both have our ups and downs as far as dealing with all of our emotions surrounding this change in our life.  But I must say that we are both very strong and will come out of this stronger than ever before.

I am currently looking for a new place to live as I can't afford to keep living where we are currently living.  I'm also searching for a full time job as my previous full time job was taken from full time to part time last October.  I'd love to find one that I can work from home but I know that may not happen.  So, if you know of one please let me know! 

Now on a completely different little boy has grown up!  A couple weeks ago Sam turned 16!  Where did the time go?  It's like I blinked my eyes and now I have a man.  Cherish the time with your kids people.  It goes way to fast.

You can click on the picture to enlarge 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim!!! You're back!!!!

I saw this page on my facebook and was about to report it for hijacking my profile and making me like something I had never heard of. But facebook was kind enough to tell me it was a simple name change. For once, facebook was helpful!

I've kinda started blogging again, too. But I haven't advertised it yet. I was beginning to get into a groove and then things went crazy here (I really need to get you up to date) and I have a bunch of half formed posts & ideas. And ones I want to write that I'm not sure I want to write, if you know what I mean. It's hard to share my thoughts on a topic without sharing the actual topic. But the actual topic is not mine to share.

So, anyway, welcome back!


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