Saturday, November 4, 2017

My Businesses

Besides working my part-time job I also am an Independent Consultant with two different companies along with working my own craft business.  Thought that I would share with you a little bit from each one that I am an Independent Consultant.  Please stop by and check them out!

The first one that I'm an Independent Consultant at is Paparazzi Accessories.  All of our Jewelry is $5!!!  How can you go wrong?  To see what I have on hand you can follow my Facebook business page or you can purchase directly from my website.  Here are some pieces that I currently have on hand just so you can see how wonderful they are. 

The second company that I am an Independent Consultant for I just joined today.  I love leggings and once I found this company, and the fact that I don't have to carry any inventory, and saw what they have to offer I knew that it was one that I could work for.  It's Buskins Leggings.  Their quality is amazing and the cost is very reasonably priced.  My store front is BeYouTiful Leggings.  You can do all of your shopping right from your computer!  I will soon have a Facebook Page up and running as well.  But I couldn't wait to share it with y'all!

Buskins leggings are SOFT, Durable and great quality. Made from Polyester and Spandex, these peach skin fabric leggings will make you never go anywhere else for leggings again. Buskins Leggings carries, Regular, Fleece and Fur lined Leggings and sizes include toddler through plus women (pluskins) and even some mens. We may carry specialty items from time to time. 

By clicking on these 2 banners you are helping me support my family. These are who I am an Independent Consultant for. Paparazzi Accessories and Buskins Leggins. Thank you for your purchases!


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