Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happiness Project - Cooking


This week I don't have a picture to share with you. Instead I have a recipe to share. Cooking makes me happy and I thought I would share one of my sons favorite meals. It's not the healthiest meal I could make but when you have a son that needs to put on the pounds and doesn't like to eat most meals I go with what I can. This is probably one of the easiest meals that I make and I make a double batch because Sam will even eat them for his snack. I'm telling you...he begs for this meal. The thing is he doesn't even know what I put in them.

Pancakes with Veggies

Take any pancake mix or make pancakes from scratch.
Add one 4 oz jar of Stage 2 Sweet Potato Baby food (trust me)

Mix together.

Cook as usual. Serve warm.

See I told you it was easy. Not to mention he also gets his veggies. The sweet potatoes makes the pancakes and you can't even tell they are in there.

To see more Happiness Projects just click the button above.


Cindy/KS said...

I use pumpkin a lot for some of the same reasons. The grandkids love my pumpkin muffins & don't even realize how healthy they are for them.


Sneaking in veggies is a happy thing!

cheri said...

wow, it is easy and sneaky :)

shuttling in from SITS :)

leigh hewett said...

Sneaky lady!


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